
Suppliers-partners of Samenaankoop KU Leuven vzw can log in to this page to manage their data and present their offers to associate members.
Samenaankoop KU Leuven vzw offers suppliers-partners the opportunity to present special offers to associate members.

How does the system work?

Log in here using the details assigned to you. You will be directed to your individual environment where you can edit your data and offers. After approval by Samenaankoop KU Leuven vzw the offers will be displayed to all members.

Want to become a supplier?

Use the online procedure to register as a candidate partner.

Advantages of Samenaankoop

All affiliate members of Samenaankoop KU Leuven vzw may use the services of Samenaankoop to make purchases for personal use:

  • discounts at wholesalers and retailers
  • trade fair weekends
  • special offers

How can I join?

You must be registered on this website to be able to consult the offers of our suppliers-partners. Once you are registered you can log in to the website to view all the offers.

Only employees of associate members of Samenaankoop KU Leuven vzw can consult the offers.

Not yet registered?

Is this your first visit to the Samenaankoop KU Leuven vzw website?

Go to this page to register.